Second opinions and decisions.

So here’s the thing... I keep anticipating this moment where the Doctor (preferably looking like Dr. McDreamy) bursts through the waiting room, puts his hands on his hips as though he’s a super hero coming to my rescue. White coat flowing behind him in a gust of wind that miraculously travels down the hall at that exact time, with a frame of pink glittery fog around him and says...

“Mrs. Henry, it was a false alarm. You’re perfectly healthy”.  

Sadly, a dose of reality was sent my way today and it didn’t involve steamy doctors or a mis-diagnosis. 

There are moments throughout the day ((very very brief moments)) where I will be so wrapped up in paperwork or appointments or my life at home that I will forget that I have “The Big C”.  Then something will hit me as fast a bug on your windshield traveling 90 down the highway, bringing me back to reality.

Today was spent traveling to Lexington to meet with a Medical Oncologist for a second opinion. This is my life we are talking about. I’m not just going to throw it at the wind and agree to the first treatment plan suggested without knowing my options. Fun fact, turns out I don’t really have any options. 

The recommendations from this second opinion were congruent with the recommendations given by my team of doctors here in Louisville. While this gives me the extra boost of confidence that my team is making the right and best decisions for me, it crushed my fantasy’s that this all could still be a mistake. 

So here’s the update: 

It has been confirmed that my cancer is stage 3 and growing very rapidly. 
Trying to understand my diagnosis has surprisingly been easier than trying to accept it.  I know many of you are wondering about the scientific details rather than listening to me vent about how much this sucks and how it is still in fact major BS. 
The best way to try to understand it (coming from one who had to take chemistry and science twice ) is this: 
There are hormones that your body produces that feed cancer. These hormones are Estrogen and Progesterone.  There are also sometimes tumors that consist of higher levels of protein, called HER2.  
Then there is a thing called Triple Negative. On paper that would mean that the tumors have tested negative for all three things listed above. Although my estrogen tested at 2-4%, the number is so low that I am being treated as though the cancer I have is Triple Negative. 
Sounds promising right?! My cancer is negative for all the crap that feeds it and makes it grow. Whoohoo.....
Unfortunately, like pizza with pineapple, it isn’t as good as it sounds. Triple Negative breast cancer is more likely to spread and is  more likely to recur after treatment. It also has a much more aggressive growth rate. 

**So get to the point Cortney, what does this mean?! **

It means that, as recommended by my Doctors,  by the end of the month I will be starting a very aggressive form of chemo treatments. Thankfully we were able to push back treatment by a couple of weeks in order to obtain some fertility options for after Chemo destroys my body. 
I will undergo these treatments for several weeks in hopes that the tumors  shrink. And then when treatment is finished and I have finished that round of my fight, I will more than likely have a bilateral mastectomy to rid the higher chances of a re-occurrence. 
Receiving the news today, for the second time, that my “options” are limited and that my body will be put through the ultimate test of chemo therapy, surgery and radiation; hit me harder than that dang ice bucket challenge circa 2015. 
But, I will accept what is being thrown at me. I will trust my doctors and I will take the bad of the treatment with the good of living another day. Most importantly,  I will fight it with every single fiber of my being to ensure that my feet are planted on this earth for that sweet precious baby boy of mine as well as my family and friends. 

 While today was a hard day with opinions I was not hoping for... the power  of my supporters  prayers and encouragement got me through. Just as it will tomorrow and the next day. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it a million more times before this journey ends... I am forever grateful for each and everyone of you. ❤️


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